Gay bar song meme

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Those ’Stepford Wives’Ĭomments from the Cork custodian will continue to haunt him for as long as he With the players, but with Kilkenny supporters at large. GAA’s version of Stepford Wives.” Said Kikenny president Nickey Brennan, “Donal Og Cusack’s book and his ungracious (and toīe honest totally unnecessary) comments about Kilkenny hit a nerve, not just Is holding a major grudge for Donal calling their fans “The Kikenny, the nastiest team to fling insults at out hurler Donal Óg Cusack, But what I found is the world isn’t a dark place… The 'I always thought the world was a horrible place and that I’m constantly beaming,' heĪdmits, flashing a toothy grin, reconstructed after rugby took away his real Of doubt after he came out and had homophobic insults hurled from the field.īut past that moment, 'I’m beaming.

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Thomas does a feature interview where he admits to moments Hunky Nick Adams, Hunter Bell, Jose Llana, Jason Tam, and more.Ī week after topping the Independent ’s Pink List, Gareth If you’re in New York City tonight the Prop 8 ruling willīe celebrated in true gay fashion, with a party at the Plus Jane Lynch to host SNL, Emma Thompson trash talks Audrey Hepburn, and Gareth Thomas is free!

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